The Cree Traditional Activities and Enhancement Program

The “Agreement Regarding Cree Traditional Activities Enhancement” acknowledges that forestry operations entails changes to traplines – notably in terms of forest cover and the opening of the territory-and that consequently, these changes may have impacts, individually and collectively, on the Cree hunting, fishing, and trapping activities. It is out of this understanding that the Cree Nation Government and the Government of Quebec came to this Agreement and saw a need for the subsequent funding and programming.

The goals of this Agreement are the following:

1) to enhance Cree traditional activities by reinforcing, on an operational basis, the exercise by the Crees of their hunting, fishing, and trapping activities while taking into account forestry activities;

2) to complement the implementation of certain harmonization measures resulting from the consultation mechanism of forest management activities providing various solutions as needed;

3) to provide opportunities to enhance the use of the forest and its resources for Cree tallymen, Cree land users and the other members of Eligible Communities;

4) to encourage greater self-sufficiency among Cree Tallymen and Cree land users in the implementation of projects funded by the program.

The projects funded through this program are governed by a set of policies, procedures and evaluation of submitted projects. Approval is done by the evaluation committee. Cree Nation Government reserves the right to monitor programs as needed.